iconic inventions put to the test
What is the greatest Belgian invention? At Mortierbrigade I co-created 4 tv commercials for Belgian Radio 1, announcing their nationwide inquiry.
Forceps vs contraception:
The forceps help us deliver babies, but the contraception pill delivers us from babies on a rather different level.
Rollerskates vs asphalt:
Skates give us joy, but how can you enjoy skates without asphalt?
Saxophone vs doorbell:
The doorbell opens millions of doors, but only on a saxophone you can play Careless Whisperer'.
Electric tram vs deo stick:
The electric tram lets us travel in groups, which is always fine if you intend to save the planet. But the deodorant stick reduces body odor, which is always fine in you intend to travel in groups.
Agency: Mortierbrigade
Production: Dolores
Creative Director: Joost Berends, Philippe De Ceuster, Jens Mortier
Art Director: Willem De Wachter
Copywriter: Johan Minnebo