I LOVE sharing inspiration. But in all my enthusiasm I often drop so many names and links it can become a bit 'much' ... To help you digest them, my ramblings now also come in written form. And you can subscribe!
I LOVE inspiration. But that can sometimes be a bit 'much' for the nice people around me. So I created this digital digest/newsletter/spam-mail where I intend to be even more. Chaotic? Rarely on topic? Fresh, but also fermented? This is a very strange digest indeed... By ]T[.
Inspiration=totally awesomecatgoatemoji!!! But every time I try to share mine with people, they feel slightly overwhelmed. So my smart friends figured I should do one of them newsletter/spam mail/online digests...
Johan Minnebo loves inspiration. He feels... inspired by it. So naturally he wants to inspire you with an inspiration-email-newsletter full of inspiration:
Mix old ideas in a new way and get... new ideas! So the more you know, the more parts you have to play with. That's why I started this online inspiration digest (news-email). And I freak on this stuff. That's why I call it Reflux.
*I only published two Refluxes so far. But I will release the third one, once I get over my fucking self and my unhealthy fears of disappointing people.
Hello world, the internet is full of inspiration.
This is an ongoing experiment involving me, what inspires me, Inception-level research, and a Mailchimp account. "What fills the heart, will make the mouth flow over." Or something like that. It works better in Dutch.